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Importing past data

How to import existing data into your Church Metrics account

Updated over 2 weeks ago

If you have a large amount of past data you'd like to enter into Church Metrics, inputting things one by one can be a little daunting. That's why we've made it easy to import all of your past data at once by using a .csv import!

Formatting is very important in the upload process, but don't worry! We'll walk you through all the necessary steps to easily import your past data into Church Metrics.

Important Notes:

  • Before importing your .csv file make sure that all of the necessary Categories and Campuses have been created in Church Metrics.

  • All Categories and Campuses are case sensitive, so be sure that they match in the document and online

  • You must be logged in as an Administrator on the account to be able to import previous data.

Importing Data

  1. Under your profile drop down, click Admin, then Records in the left side navigation.

  2. Select Import Data on the right hand side.

  3. Click Download Sample CSV file to download a template .csv file that will include the proper headers for the .csv document, as well as some sample data to help you get started. If you don't need any examples, just click Download the sample CSV headers file to download a document that only contains the headers but no sample data.

  4. Open your sample file (either with or without the sample data).

  5. Add in your information.

    1. Campus Slug is simply the name of the campus. Remember that any campus appearing in your .csv file must already have been created in your account.

    2. Category Name must also match categories you have already created.

    3. Value is the number you'd like to enter for this statistic. Make sure it is just a number with no additional symbols or commas. For example, simply type in "100000" instead of "100,000" or "692.54" instead of "$692.54."

    4. Service Date Time should correspond to the date and time of a Service Time you've created for the appropriate Campus. An example of the format required by the system is "1/5/2025 10:00:00 AM." Typically you will only see this full format if you click on the cell. In order to match the format, you can simply type "1/5/25 10:00" and the system will automatically match the format.

      Note: If entering an afternoon service time, make sure to type the time in the 24 hour format- for example, a 2pm service would be entered as "1/5/25 14:00."

    5. Event Name should only be used if your data applies to a special Event, and not a normal Service Time.

    6. Other and Service Time ID are not required and can be ignored.

  6. Once you have entered all of your data and ensured the formatting is correct, save your file as a .csv.

  7. Back in your Church Metrics account, select Choose File, select the appropriate file, and then click Import.

  8. And voilà! All of the data from your .csv file will be imported into your Church Metrics account. If you receive an error message, you will be told which row of your data has a problem so that you can go back and check the data. If you have any trouble, first check the following things:

    1. Does the Campus Slug match the name of a Campus in my account? If not, create a Campus.

    2. Does the Category Name match a Category in my account? If not, create a Category.

    3. Did I enter any special characters like commas or $ in the Value column? If yes, remove them so it is only a pure number.

    4. Does the format of the Service Date Time match the formula "1/5/25 10:00"? If not, adjust the formatting.

    5. If an Event is listed, does that Event exist in my account? If not, create an Event.

  9. If you have looked through all of these questions and are still having trouble, we're happy to help! Just contact us by clicking the green chat bubble in the bottom right corner of your screen.

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