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Mass inviting churches to your Group
Mass inviting churches to your Group

This article provides insight on how to mass invite churches using CSV importer

Updated over 2 months ago

If you would like to mass import your users, you can take advantage of the CSV importer. This will allow you to create an Excel or CSV document, add all the churches to the document and then import them into Church Metrics.

  1. After logging into your Groups account, you will click the Churches tab at the top of the page. This is only available if you have setup a groups account. If you would like to be setup as a group, please contact

  2. Click the Invite button to advance to the Invitation page.

  3. Once on the invite church screen, download the CSV Template.

  1. Add the email of any admins on the account.

  2. If you know the Church's Organization ID you can add it here.

  1. After you have saved the CSV to your computer, select Choose File and attach your file.

  2. Once the file has been selected, click Import CSV to advance to the next screen.


You will be able to review your CSV file before the import.

  1. If there is an error with an email or church it will be highlighted in red. You can click on the email to edit it.

  2. If you would like, you can also remove the email from the import.

  3. If the user has an account, it will show a green check and have no extra text.

  4. If the email is valid but they are not a part of Church Metrics, you will see a message letting you know that the person will be asked to create an account.

  5. Once you have corrected all errors, you can select Send Invites.

Once you have sent the invites, the church will receive and email similar to the one above. They can click View Invitation to login.

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