Most of the data you'll input into your Church Metrics account will originate from the Service Times you create. Here's how to add them to your account!
To create your Service Times, first head to Admin in your profile dropdown menu and click select Service Times from the left-hand navigation.
2. Click Create Service Time.
3. Add a Campus, day, and time for your service.
Campus: This will only show if you have created more than 1 Campus so that you can select which Campus this service is for. If you need help creating Campuses, check out our Creating a Campus article!
Day of Week: Select which day of the week your service time is on.
Group this service with the _____ Sunday: This will only show for service times that are not on Sundays. In Church Metrics, all categories are grouped by week in relation to Sunday. When recording data for weekday services you may add that data to the current week or to the following week.
Time of Day: Type in the time of day for your service.
4. Click Save when you've finished adding all details of your Service time.