Setting up your campuses is an essential part of creating your Church Metrics account. Whether you have one or multiple, this is a great place to start in establishing your account!
To begin, head to your profile dropdown menu and click Admin.
2. Select Campuses from the left hand navigation, then click Create Campus.
3. Fill out the following information:
Campus Name
Description- an optional field to add more information about the campus that will only appear on this page
Region (Regions would have to be previously created, and you'd select one from the dropdown.)
The Time Zone for the campus
Code and Chair Capacity are optional fields to notate the maximum capacity of your campus, whether online (code) or in person (chair)
If this campus is active and you would like to begin tracking data for it, check Active. If you are not planning to track data for this campus yet, leave unchecked. This is hide it from your input.
4. After creating your campus, click save to make sure it sticks!